Quick Info
School Council gives you a great way to be further involved in your children's education. At each meeting, you can expect to hear important updates from our principal and our School Board Trustee; often there is a small presentation on a topic relevent to your child's education, too. Your feedback is welcomed on any matter relating to the school.
At Bearspaw School, meetings are held most months and every parent of Bearspaw School is welcome to attend. We try our hardest to keep the meetings at an hour to an hour-and-a-half in length.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our School Council Chair, Emma Lindsey, at bearspaw-schoolcouncil@rvschools.ab.ca.
Meeting Dates & Past Minutes
Our meetings are held currently held in the school library, on the fourth Wednesday of most months, at 6:30 pm.
School Council is open to all of our parents and, in fact, every parent is a member of school council. Council is a great way for you to stay informed about our school and to meet parents. At every meeting, our administation and our school board trustee provide information to parents about a variety of topics relating to our school. As well, information, advice and feedback is provided by the parents attending each meeting.
Feel free to join us!
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
- September 25th
- October 23rd
- November 20th
- January 22nd
- February 26th
- March 26th
- April 23rd
- May 28th - AGM
Council Members
School Council's membership consists of all of our parents at Bearspaw School. The executive positions are filled by parent volunteers nominated at our AGM in May. Committee Chair positions and Grade Representatives are filled by parent volunteers at the AGM and throughout the year.
2024-2025 School Council Executive
- Interim Chairs - Emma Lindsey
- Vice Chair - Tanya Glencross
- Secretary - Jody Seerup
- Volunteer Coordinator - Tammy Cultrera
- Communications Coordinator - Ashley Beagle
- FBES Representative - Sara Hughes
- Members at Large:
- Nicole Woodland
- Alison Foster
- Amber Brandt
School and RVS Representatives
- Principal -Andrea Craigie
- Teacher Representative - a different representative each month
- RVS School Board Trustee - Judi Hunter