School Council

What you should know ...

Quick Info

School Council gives you a great way to be further involved in your children's education. At each meeting, you can expect to hear important updates from our principal and our School Board Trustee; often there is a small presentation on a topic relevent to your child's education, too. Your feedback is welcomed on any matter relating to the school.

At Bearspaw School, meetings are held most months and every parent of Bearspaw School is welcome to attend. We try our hardest to keep the meetings at an hour to an hour-and-a-half in length.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your School Council Chair.

Want More Information?

If you'd like to know even more, check out the following links.

Bearspaw School Council Vision, Mission & Guidelines

Bearspaw Operating Procedures

Alberta School Councils' Association

Meeting Minutes



Document Actions
Late Bus Alerts
School Cash Online

Kev Group

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